Level Up Your Next Event
With James Robert Lay

Inspire, educate, and motivate your attendees to accelerate their growth in the Age of AI.

or call Audrey Cannata now at (415) 579-3002

“James Robert Lay brings a level of enthusiasm and creativity to a presentation like no one else. We want to clone him!”

—Dennis J. Sullivan, Chairman CU Leadership Convention

James Robert’s Keynotes and Workshops are Designed to Inspire, Educate, and Motivate:

Marketing Teams

With Clarity




Level Up

Industries that gain the greatest value from his keynotes and workshops, include:

Banks and
Credit Unions


Mortgage and
Real Estate



Insurance and
Risk Management



James Robert’s Leading Keynote and Workshop Programs

When you book James Robert to speak at your next event, his team will work closely with you to understand your event’s goals, attendees, and even the other leaders speaking at your event. You’ll never get a canned presentation from James Robert, as he’ll collaborate with you to prepare a customized narrative that inspires, educates, and motivates your attendees to take action and level up their growth.

Banking on Change: Achieving Exponential Growth in the Age of AI

The biggest obstacle to future growth in the Age of AI is not the abundance of new technologies coming online, but a lack of understanding about how leaders can guide themselves and their teams through the complexities of exponential change.

That's because change of any kind, let alone exponential change, can feel hard, scary, and painful.

But it does not have to be this way for you and your event attendees when they learn how to unlock human transformation by celebrating their progress to achieve exponential growth in the Age of AI.

In this interactive keynote session, your attendees will:

1. Immediately increase their confidence by gaining clarity into all of the changes they've experienced on their own journey of growth.

2. Learn how to apply ancient wisdom in a modern world to master the most important technology in the Age of AI.

3. Leave with a strategic growth framework that includes tools they can immediately apply to guide their teams and organizations through the complexities of exponential change with courage.

Book a Keynote Session or Workshop

Other Popular Program Topics from Banking on Change

Because every employee at an organization will journey through an exponential change in the Age of AI, James Robert has created programs (both as keynotes and workshops) to guide and level up team members in all parts of an organization.

The AI Advantage

The Fastest Way to Accelerate Progress and Achieve a Year's Worth of Growth in 90 Days

Leading Beyond Limits

Master Science of Human Transformation to Guide Your Team into the Future

Banking on Digital Growth:
Maximize Your Marketing and Sales in the Age of AI

Websites. Marketing automation. Email. Social media. Data and analytics. AI. The list of digital growth strategies and tactics can feel overwhelming and frustrating as technology, consumer behavior, and competition continue to change.

As a result of all of these changes, it’s easy to get stuck and held back by four distinct fears as legacy marketing and sales systems and thinking limit an organization’s future growth potential.

But it does not have to be this way for you and your event attendees, as digital growth is a journey that unifies marketing, sales, and leadership teams to level up growth in the Age of AI.

In this interactive keynote session, your attendees will:

1. Increase their confidence by developing a purpose that helps them break free from marketing and sales beliefs of the past.

2. Unify marketing, sales, and leadership teams around the emotive buying journey rooted within the consumer's mind.

3. Leave with a communication framework to guide customers beyond the pains of the present toward an even bigger future.

Book a Keynote Session or Workshop

Other Popular Program Topics from Banking on Digital Growth

James Robert has created programs (both keynotes and workshops) to guide marketing, sales, and leadership teams to accelerate their organization’s growth in the Age of AI.

Heroes, Guides, and Villains

The Science-backed Way to Quickly Increase Sales in a Digital World

The Empathy Advantage

The Fastest Way to Increase Trust to Maximize Growth in the Age of AI

“James Robert remains one of the top rated speakers at The Financial Brand Forum. His expertise is unmatched and he is an attendee favorites year over year.”

—Amanda McCoy, VP/Events at The Financial Brand

Keynote Speaking and Workshop Formats

Programs are customized for your attendees and presented in a variety formats to create the greatest value either in person or remote.

The Keynote

30-45 Minute Keynote

Kickoff or close your event with a customized keynote that inspires, educates, and motivates your attendees to take action as they feel excited and energized about their future growth.

The Keynote Experience

60-90 Minute Keynote with Q&A

The ideal way to open or close any convention, conference, or retreat is to educate, motivate, and inspire participants to take action while facilitating connections through a post-keynote Q&A session followed by a book signing with James Robert.

The Interactive Workshop

1-2 Day Workshops

Workshops begin with a pre-planning process to prepare a mix of strategic thinking activities and group discussions that inspire, educate, and motivate attendees to apply what they learn.

  • As a digital anthropologist, James Robert helps broaden your attendees' perspectives so they gain practical insights they can apply to level up their team’s and organization’s growth in the Age of AI.

    The industries that gain the greatest value from James Robert’s thinking and perspective include:

    - Banking

    - Credit unions

    - Fintech

    - Mortgage

    - Financial advisors

    - Wealth management

    - Insurance

    - Education

    - Healthcare

    - Marketing and sales

    - Technology / Digital / Communications

  • The short answer: marketing, sales, and leadership team members.

    James Robert believes marketing keynote speakers aren’t just ideal for marketing events, and sales keynote speakers should not only be for sales events. Leadership can be a bridge that unites marketing and sales to unlock future growth together.

    This is because the exponential changes in technology, along with consumer beliefs and behaviors, have created new growth opportunities when marketing, sales, and leadership teams learn a common language.

    For example, a marketing team can produce and promote content to increase traffic to their website and generate leads.

    At the same time, the sales team can then repurpose this content to nurture and guide those leads through the sales funnel at an accelerated rate to level up their organization’s growth in the Age of AI.

    However, none of this is possible without the support and buy-in of the leadership team. That’s because a lack of common language creates the greatest confusion, conflict, and chaos, keeping marketing and sales teams feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

    This is why the best marketing, sales, and leadership keynote speakers don’t just focus on one department and not the other, but instead work to increase the clarity, courage, and commitment of all attendees so they learn and grow together.

    What a great keynote speaker really does is connect with your attendees on a deeper level that transcends titles and roles.

  • What elements make a great keynote speaker? Regardless if the topic is focused on helping marketing, sales, or leadership team members, there are four elements that must be present for a transformative keynote speech:

    1. Inspiration: Great keynote speakers inspire your attendees to gain a new perspective, think even bigger, and make positive changes so they level up both their team’s and organization’s growth. The best keynote speakers energize your attendees in such a way they feel inspired to make personal changes as well. James Robert does both by applying the Four Steps for Human Transformation so every single attendee at your event: (1) sees differently, (2) thinks differently, (3) feels differently, and (4) acts differently going forward.

    2. Education: Inspiration is only just one essential element for a great keynote speaker. They must also guide attendees forward so they know how to take inspired action. Just like Obi-Wan gave Luke a lightsaber in Star Wars and then trained him how to use it, a great keynote speaker is a helpful and empathetic guide for your attendees. This is why James Robert gives your attendees strategic tools and practical knowledge they can immediately apply to level up their team’s and organization’s growth in the Age of AI.

    3. Entertainment: Without entertainment, the inspiration and education a keynote speaker shares with your attendees will be quickly forgotten. As Maya Angelou once noted, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This is why James Robert brings a variety of stories and personal anecdotes that entertain and connect with your audience at a deep, empathetic, and emotional level.

    4. Motivate: Knowledge alone is not power. What good is it to learn something new and then do nothing with it? This is why James Robert not only inspires, educates, and entertains your attendees but also empowers them to commit to take action and apply what they learn with courage and confidence. And as a result, they will level up their team’s and organization’s growth in the Age of AI.

  • This is such an important question to ask, pause, and ponder for just a bit. That’s because the spectrum of fees for marketing, sales, or leadership keynote speakers is broad. There is a diverse range of experience and expertise that directly impacts the value they create for attendees at your event. While some keynote speakers may have fees that seem modest, others, because of their profound impact and proven track record, might command a premium.

    Understanding the investment in a keynote speaker for your marketing, sales, or leadership event is crucial.

    It's more than just a line item in your event budget. It's about creating an unforgettable experience that inspires, educates, and motivates transformation within your team and organization, leading to future growth.

    Don’t view your investment in a keynote speaker as a cost, as this might limit the value you can create for your attendees. Instead, consider a great keynote speaker as a strategic investment in the growth and development of your event’s attendees. That’s because a transformative keynote speaker will spark innovation and inspire change to level up the growth of your attendees, offering returns that far exceed the initial outlay.

    When considering your options, remember the value of a keynote speaker extends beyond the presentation itself, as they can leave a lasting impact, equipping your attendees with actionable strategies so they can level up their growth in the Age of AI.

  • What are the price ranges for a great keynote speaker?

    Navigating the landscape of keynote speaker investments can be akin to setting sail in vast, uncharted waters. There's a wide spectrum of options, each offering its own unique value and transformative potential. Let's chart a course through these waters, exploring the diverse range of investment levels to find a keynote speaker that creates the greatest value for your attendees.

    Emerging Voices ($1,000 to $3,500): At this level, you'll encounter speakers who are just beginning to make waves. They've stepped beyond pro bono work, demonstrating their commitment and potential. While they may be newer to the speaking circuit, their fresh perspectives and burgeoning skills can offer valuable insights, especially for smaller gatherings or events with tighter budget constraints.

    Rising Stars ($3,500 to $10,000): These speakers are on an upward trajectory, gaining momentum and recognition within their fields. They're not just speakers; they're becoming thought leaders as they’ve published their first book in addition to having a growing social followings and a robust portfolio of content across various media. They're perfect for events seeking dynamic voices that are starting to resonate more widely.

    Micro-Influencers ($10,000 to $20,000): In this bracket, you'll find seasoned professionals who have an established social following (5K - 100K) while publishing multiple books and hosting their own podcasts. They consistently deliver high-quality keynotes across a broad spectrum of events. They are the go-to voices in their industries, known for their ability to meet and exceed the expectations of event planners and attendees alike. With a wealth of experience and a diverse array of speaking topics, they can tailor their presentations to align perfectly with your event's goals.

    Visionary Leaders ($20,000 to $35,000): Speakers in this category are more than thought leaders; they're the luminaries others look up to. With substantial social followings of 100K+, strong personal brands, and often a roster of bestselling publications, these speakers bring a level of prestige and profound insight that can elevate any event. They're adept at captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impact.

    Iconic Figures ($35,000 and up): At the pinnacle are speakers whose very names are events in themselves. These are the individuals whose presence can define an event, drawing crowds based on their renown alone. This elite group includes top-tier politicians, A-list celebrities, and renowned figures within specific industries. While their star power is undeniable, it's their ability to connect with the audience and align their message with your event's theme that truly sets them apart.

    In your quest for the perfect keynote speaker, remember that the investment reflects not just a cost but the potential to inspire, transform, and propel your team and organization to new heights. Each speaker brings a unique blend of experience, insight, and energy, capable of turning your event into a milestone moment of growth and inspiration.

  • There are five specific ways James Robert creates additional value for your event’s attendees, including:

    1. Pre-event promotion via video invite, social media, email, and podcast interviews

    2. Copies of James Robert’s books which can be co-branded for your event

    3. Onsite book signing to engage with attendees after the keynote session

    4. VIP dinner to connect and engage with key attendees before or after an event

    5. Post-event coaching and consulting

  • Selecting the perfect keynote speaker for your event is more than just a box to check; it's about sparking a transformative experience that resonates with every attendee. Remember, the right keynote inspires, educates, and motivates your audience to take action, setting a powerful, positive tone for the entire event.

    Consider these key points to ensure your keynote speaker elevates your event:

    1. Experience and Proof: Seek speakers with a track record of engaging audiences and delivering insightful, impactful messages. Look for social proof—testimonials, videos of past speeches, and genuine endorsements that showcase their ability to captivate and inspire audiences both online and in-person.

    2. Beyond the Price Tag: High fees don't automatically guarantee an exceptional keynote. Even high-profile personalities must resonate with your audience's needs and the event's objectives to make a lasting impact. The true measure of a speaker's worth lies in their ability to connect with the audience and enrich the event experience. Focus on their ability to engage and inspire, rather than their price tag alone.

    3. Alignment with Your Vision: Ensure the speaker's message resonates with your event's goals. A speaker who can tailor their message to reinforce your event themes and objectives will contribute significantly to its success.

    4. Universal Audience Connection: The best keynote speakers can connect with every individual in the room, regardless of their background or role. Choose a speaker whose message is universally impactful, setting a tone that unites and inspires your entire audience.

    5. Adaptability: The best speakers can pivot and adapt to unforeseen circumstances without losing momentum. Whether it's a technical hiccup or a change in schedule, a skilled speaker maintains composure and keeps the audience engaged, ensuring the message is delivered effectively regardless of challenges.

    Investing time in selecting the right keynote speaker is an investment in your event's success. The right speaker can transform your event’s experience, leaving a lasting impression that extends and continues to create value for attendees for months and years to come.

“I've worked with James Robert over the past few years. He always receives high reviews.”

—Julie Dienes, Senior Program Manager of Conferences at SourceMedia Inc.

What Your Attendees Get: Clarity

Having inspired audiences around the world, James Robert blends practical insights with human-centric stories so your attendees gain help and hope for the future.

He understands that change in the Age of AI can feel confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming.

That’s why his presentations are designed to guide attendees beyond the confusion and chaos they feel so they can see a clear path to level up their future growth.

Each of your attendees will leave James Robert’s session feeling confident and motivated, having gained practical insights and actions that can be implemented immediately.

or call Audrey Cannata now
at (415) 579-3002

What You Get: Confidence

You level up your next event with confidence as you feel good knowing James Robert will inspire your attendees to maximize their growth in the Age of AI.

That’s because, as a digital anthropologist, James Robert has been studying the intersection of marketing, sales, technology, and human behavior for over two decades.

He is a best-selling author, speaker, and advisor who has honed his presentation and audience engagement skills in front of tens of thousands of people around the world.

or call Audrey Cannata now
at (415) 579-3002

“James Robert is truly a great speaker. I highly recommend him to any event or leadership team that is ready to take their growth strategies to a whole new level.”

—Kathy Varese, CUDE
Speakers Bureau Manager at CUNA Mutual Group