Communicate clarity.
Increase trust.
Level up growth.

James Robert Lay is a world-renowned digital anthropologist, bestselling author, and inspiring keynote speaker who specializes in helping growth-minded leaders level up their team’s and organization’s growth in the Age of AI.

Trusted by growth-minded brands around the world.

The world has changed.

Exponential technologies have transformed:

How we connect + communicate

The competitive landscape for brands

Consumer beliefs + buying behavior

These expotential changes can make even the best growth-minded leaders and their teams feel:




So they go out and buy new technology, thinking it will help solve their problems to unlock new growth in the Age of AI.

But then something happens…

1. Confusion increases

2. Employees burnout

3. Brand trust declines

4. Customers churn

5. Sales are lost

These teams forgot the role of human transformation in the Age of AI.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

That’s because James Robert teaches organizations around the world how to cut through the confusion in the Age of AI so they can confidently:

  1. Communicate clarity

  2. Increase trust

  3. Level up growth

James Robert Helps you Level Up Growth in the Age of AI

  • Top Ranked Keynote Speaker

    James Robert inspires audiences around the world to take action and level up their growth.

  • Best-selling Author

    James Robert is the author of the best-selling book, Banking on Digital Growth.

  • Global Podcast Host

    The Banking on Digital Growth Podcast, which is ranked among the top 5% of podcasts worldwide.

“James Robert remains one of the top rated speakers at The Financial Brand Forum. His expertise is unmatched and he is an attendee favorites year over year.”

—Amanda McCoy, VP/Events at The Financial Brand

James Robert’s thinking is frequently published in: